Las flores de Picasso
[Eng] Today prep students have been exploring the work of Pablo Picasso and making their own interpretations of the work by the Spanish...
Mi comida favorita
Last week grade 1 read the book "A qué sabe la luna" ('What does the moon taste like?') by Michael Grejniec. The animals in the book are...
¡Aprendemos a coser!
Students in grade 2 have been learning how to sew for a few weeks now and have mastered the technique (so next time you need to patch...
Nature walk
[Eng] It was a beautiful sunny day on Thursday so we grabbed our sketchbooks and set off to the veggie garden to draw some of the plants...
Mandala CDs
Grade 6s have started a new project recycling old CDs to turn them into beautiful mandalas inspired by the arabesque designs of South...
Palos de llúvia - Rainsticks
Continuing on the work students did last term in Spanish through Drama, students are making a rainstick inspired by the book "Big rain...
Pintando como Miró
Students in grade 1 have been exploring the art of Joan Miró, a very famous Spanish artist born in Barcelona (like me, but a bit earlier!...
Dibujando retratos
Students in grade 2 have been learning about drawing retratos (portraits). During the first lesson we learnt some general tips to get the...
The Night Life of Trees
[Eng] During the past two weeks students in grades 3 and 4 have been exploring this beautiful book by Bhajju Shyam, Durga Bai and Ram...
Rueda de colores
[Eng] I just had a blast with today's sessions watching students in grade 5 as they made their stunning colour wheels and listening to...