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Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

Mi comida favorita

Last week grade 1 read the book "A qué sabe la luna" ('What does the moon taste like?') by Michael Grejniec. The animals in the book are very curious to find out what 'la luna' tastes like and try to reach it by climbing on top of each other. But none of them is able to reach it until the little mouse climbs on the top... and it tastes like the most delicious thing in the world... for each of them. So to the mouse it tastes like cheese, and to the elephant... I don't know, probably like mud! What would the moon taste like to you? Grade 1 students have been learning how to describe their favourite dishes in Spanish using this sentence: "Mi comida favorita es..." ('my favourite food is...'). Among the most popular were sushi, spaguetti bolognese and pizza (of course!)

This week grade 1 have been illustrating their favourite recepies and learning some culinary words (and making music with them at the same time!): la mesa (the table), el plato (the plate), el vaso (glass), el cuchillo (knife), la cuchara (spoon), el tenedor (fork)... We were inspired by the work of Olga Molina, a wonderful artist from Barcelona. You can see some of her work in the photos below and on her website:

Keep tuned to see the finished watercolours... coming soon!

And some of our students wonderful work:

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