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Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

Multicultural week

[Eng] Wow! What a fascinating and diverse week it's been! On Monday grades P-2 learnt about the music and dances from the mountains of the Andes with Carolina, Alejandro and Manuel, a very talented group from South America. Students wore very colourful dresses and hats to dance like the people in the Andes. On Monday, Óscar Jiménez taught grades 3-6 about the Cúmbia, a style of music and dance from Colombia, South America.

On Wednesday all students participated in a multi-age multicultural activity organised by classroom teachers. We learnt how to make dream catchers like the native americans with Nettie, we made some masks for the day of the dead with Lily and Japanese cherry blossoms with Leah. Andy read us a book about houses and food around the world, we learnt about Australian aboriginal dances with Tom and we had some Marrocan mint tea with Rosie. And that's only to name a few!! On Wednesday students and teachers wore fabulous dresses from all over the world, check the photos below!

And Friday was Soccer day, students in grades 3-6 played for "El clássico" with Futbol Club Barcelona vs Real Madrid. What a match!!!

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