¿Cómo está? / How is it?
[Eng] The preps had so much fun learning more about the weather! This time, they explored the air around them and how it felt. While...
¿Flota o se hunde? / Does it float or sink?
[Eng] Students reinforced their ideas on the forces in water while predicting and observing if the different school objects floated or...
Fuerzas en el agua / Forces in the water
[Eng] Students in Year 2 had lots of fun observing how the force of water can push up on objects. They did some hands on activities to...
El moho / Mould
[Eng] Students in Year 6 have been discovering more about micro-organisms. In this session, they observed mouldy bread. They had to draw...
Pop art self-portraits
Yay grade 6 pop art self-portraits are finished and they look a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!! We were inspired by New York artist Roy Lichestein and...
Las nubes / The clouds
[Eng] This week we focused on the clouds in the sky and learnt what we call how the sky is according to the number of clouds. We also...
¿Qué ocurre al calentarlo? / What happens when you heat it up?
[Eng] Students in Years 3 and 4 have been learning about matter. In this session, they investigated what can happen when some objects are...
La levadura / Yeast
[Eng] Students in Year 6 are doing some hands on experiences to learn more about micro-organisms. During this session, they did an...
Creamos nuestros molinos de agua / We made our own waterwheels
[Eng] Students in Year 5 worked in teams and created their own waterwheels to observe how energy is transformed. They had lots of fun...
Nos movemos en el patio / We move in the playground
[Eng] Students in Year 1 went to the playground and observed the different movements their partners did while playing and having lots of...