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Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

Las flores de Picasso

[Eng] Today prep students have been exploring the work of Pablo Picasso and making their own interpretations of the work by the Spanish artist (see below).

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Spain in 1881. Picasso’s father was an art teacher who encouraged his son to paint and draw. As a child, Picasso painted with extraordinary realism and talent. As an adult, he chose to use his talent to invent new abstract styles. Picasso's painting style changed many times during his life, but his best known work was in the style of Cubism, an abstract way of painting that breaks shapes into cubes or other simple shapes. Picasso once said: "When I was a child I painted like a photograph. It took me a lifetime to learn to paint like a child."

Today we painted the flowers the same way (or similar, anyway) Picasso did 58 years ago: we used watercolour paints to paint the flower centers first (los círculos), then we painted the flower petals (pétalos) and then we traced our hands with a pen. Last we painted the stems.

Mains aux Fleurs (Hands with flowers), Picasso, 1958:

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