Alhambra tiles
Students in grade 5 have been learning about the arabic art of Alhambra, a palace and fortress in the city of Granada, South Spain. It...
¡Iniesta, Iniesta, Iniesta!
This week in Years 5&6 we carried on working on la voz (voice) using emoción. We became fútbol commentators at the 2010 World Cup Final...
¡Ser o no ser, ésa es la cuestión!
Year 5&6 students are working on la voz (voice). They are focusing on articulación, proyección y exageración. Students watched a video by...
Year 5&6 students have been exploring aspects of the Spanish culture through artes dramáticas. They put their performance skills in...
El cambiador
This term students in Years 5&6 are introduced to Performing Arts. They engaged in a game of El Cambiador / La Cambiadora (The Changer):...
¿Cómo son los materiales sólidos? / How are solid materials?
[Eng] Students in Year 5 have been learning about the characteristics of solids. They explored the properties of the solid materials and...
¿Fluye más rápido o más lento? / Does it flow slower or faster?
[Eng] Year 5 students started their new project on the states of matter. They started looking at different liquids and their properties....
Nature walk
[Eng] It was a beautiful sunny day on Thursday so we grabbed our sketchbooks and set off to the veggie garden to draw some of the plants...
Rueda de colores
[Eng] I just had a blast with today's sessions watching students in grade 5 as they made their stunning colour wheels and listening to...
Aprendiendo más acerca del Sistema Solar / Learning more about the Solar System
[Eng] Students in Grade 5 have been learning more about our Solar System by watching some videos, playing games and investigating more...