¿Cómo son los materiales sólidos? / How are solid materials?
[Eng] Students in Year 5 have been learning about the characteristics of solids. They explored the properties of the solid materials and...
¿Cómo se mueven los juguetes? / How do toys move?
[Eng] Year 1 and 2 observed the different toys and finding out more about movement. They played with them and analysed the different ways...
Los sonidos de la escuela / Sounds at school
[Eng] Students in Prep are discovering how sounds are made and through this learning more about their surroundings. We did a "sound hunt"...
Miramos las flores por dentro / We look at the inside of the flowers
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have started their new project on biological sciences. Students started by learning the different parts of plant...
Cambios Reversibles e Irreversibles / Reversible and irreversible changes
[Eng] Students in Year 6 have been exploring the different states of matter. They are now discovering more about it through some...
¿Fluye más rápido o más lento? / Does it flow slower or faster?
[Eng] Year 5 students started their new project on the states of matter. They started looking at different liquids and their properties....
Nos movemos en el patio / We move in the playground
[Eng] We played, we moved, we had lots of fun and learnt more about our parts of the body and actions in Spanish. Year 1 and 2 students...
Aprendemos a cuidar el suelo / We learn how to take care of the soil
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have been exploring the soil and the importance of it for all living things. Students worked on the different...
Los movimientos de La Tierra / Earth's movements
[Eng] Students in Year 3 have been learning about the movements of the Earth. While exploring the rotation of the Earth, students learnt...
Observando las mezclas / Observing mixtures
[Eng] Students in Grade 2 have been learning about mixtures and where we can find them. They worked in groups to observe the different...