¿Puedes encender la bombilla? / Can you light the light bulb?
Students in Year 5 worked in groups to find a way to encender la bombilla (light the light bulb) using el cable (the wire), la bombilla...
Creamos nuestros molinos de agua / We made our own waterwheels
[Eng] Students in Year 5 worked in teams and created their own waterwheels to observe how energy is transformed. They had lots of fun...
La energía / Energy
Students in Year 5 started their new unit on physical sciences. This lesson they learnt about the different types of energy and formed a...
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español y Ciencias 2017! / Welcome to the Spanish and Science class 2017!
What a great start of the year we had in the Spanish/Science class! In Prep, Y1 and Y2 we found out more about the different types of...
¿Cómo son los materiales sólidos? / How are solid materials?
[Eng] Students in Year 5 have been learning about the characteristics of solids. They explored the properties of the solid materials and...
¿Fluye más rápido o más lento? / Does it flow slower or faster?
[Eng] Year 5 students started their new project on the states of matter. They started looking at different liquids and their properties....