Las propiedades / Properties
Students in Years 3 and 4 started their new unit of work on chemical sciences. This lesson, they were introduced to the concept of...
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? / What is the weather like today?
[Eng] Students in Prep are learning more about the weather in Spanish and Science. They went outside to observe the different patterns...
Las partes del cuerpo / Body parts
[Eng] Students in Year 1 started their new project on Movement. To start learning some new Spanish words to use in our project, with we...
¿Qué puedes ver en el día y en la noche? / What can you see at daytime and at nighttime?
[Eng] Prep students worked together to sort out what we can see in the sky at daytime and at nighttime. While doing so, they learnt to...
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español y Ciencias 2017! / Welcome to the Spanish and Science class 2017!
What a great start of the year we had in the Spanish/Science class! In Prep, Y1 and Y2 we found out more about the different types of...
¡Mira cómo rueda! / Look how it rolls!
[Eng] Students in Years 1 and 2 are still learning about movement. This time, they were introduced to the concept of friction and they...
Golpeamos, soplamos y sacudimos... ¡Y hacemos sonidos! / We strike, blow and shake... and we make so
[Eng] Preps are still learning about sound. This time, they worked on the different actions they can do to produce different sounds, such...
¿Se disuelve mas rápido o más lento?/ Does it dissolve faster or slower?
[Eng] Students in Year 6 are learning about physical and chemical reactions. This time they worked on the rate at which those reactions...
¿Cuál rueda más lejos? / Which one rolls further?
[Eng] Students in Year 1 and 2 observed how size affects movement. They predicted which one they thought will go further and then...
Las frutas / The fruits
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have been learning about the development of plants. This week, they observed some fruits and analysed the...