Percusión - Percussion
PREP Spanish Over the last 4 weeks we have been establishing a routine for the beginning of la clase de música. We have been learning to...
Colour theory
We're back in full in the Spanish through Art classroom, we have a very busy year ahead, culminating in the Art Show in Term 4. This week...
Musica en Español
Welcome to Music through Spanish 2018 I look forward to sharing the wonderful work our Prep and Grade 1 students produce in Music this...
¿Cómo cambia el chocolate? / How does chocolate change?
Students in Year 1 are exploring how heat can change foods. They explored how chocolate looks like before and after melting... and after...
Cambios a nuestro alrededor / Changes around us
Students in Year 1 are finding out about changes around them and doing hands on activities to understand how those changes happen. This...
Cómo se mueven los juguetes / How do toys move
[Eng] Students in Year 1 played with different toys and explored how they move. They had so much fun while learning more actions in...
Nos movemos en el patio / We move in the playground
[Eng] Students in Year 1 went to the playground and observed the different movements their partners did while playing and having lots of...
Las partes del cuerpo / Body parts
[Eng] Students in Year 1 started their new project on Movement. To start learning some new Spanish words to use in our project, with we...
Year 1&2 students are learning to slow down and think about how their move their body and use their voice. We are following the example...
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español y Ciencias 2017! / Welcome to the Spanish and Science class 2017!
What a great start of the year we had in the Spanish/Science class! In Prep, Y1 and Y2 we found out more about the different types of...