El Sol, La Tierra y La Luna
Students have been exploring a bit further about the main characteristics of the Sun, The Earth and the Moon and how the causes of day...
Lugares en la escuela
Students have started learning about the different places at school. They worked together to find out the places at our school and locate...
El día y la noche
We are learning about how the Sun, The Earth and the Moon interact with each other and cause day and night. Today students shared their...
Musica en Español
Welcome to Music through Spanish 2018 I look forward to sharing the wonderful work our Prep and Grade 1 students produce in Music this...
¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
Welcome to another great year in the Spanish language learning journey! :) This year we will explore the Spanish language while learning...
Los sólidos / Solids
Students in Year 5 are observing the different properties of solids. They explained what different objects' characteristics are by...
¿Es oscuro o claro? / Is it dark or light?
Students in Prep started learning about light and how light helps us see. They went for a walk around school to find places that can be...
Hicemos un Kazoo y aprendimos el abecedario en español / We made a kazoo and we learnt the Spanish a
Students in Prep made a kazoo to explore the vibrations that help sound be produced. While playing with it, students also learnt the...
¿Cómo se produce el sonido? / How is sound produced?
Prep students have been exploring sounds. This week they explored how sounds are produced and they observed how when vibrations are made...
¿Cómo cambia el chocolate? / How does chocolate change?
Students in Year 1 are exploring how heat can change foods. They explored how chocolate looks like before and after melting... and after...