¿Cuántas patas tiene? / How many legs does it have?
Preps had so much fun while learning number in Spanish! We watched the video of the animals at the zoo and then learnt the numbers from 1...
El ecosistema / The ecosystem
Students in Year 4 started learning about ecosystems. They went to the playground and found an area tha could be an ecosystem. They drew...
¿Tiene patas, alas o aletas? / Does it have legs, wings or fins?
Students in Prep worked in groups to sort out their favourite animals according to the body parts they have. While doing this, they...
Es un ser vivo o un ser no vivo / Is it a living or a non living thing
Students in Year 3 observed things found in the playground and drew them. Then, found the word in Spanish and finally predicted if these...
¿Puedes encender la bombilla? / Can you light the light bulb?
Students in Year 5 worked in groups to find a way to encender la bombilla (light the light bulb) using el cable (the wire), la bombilla...
¿Qué pelota rueda más lejos? / Which ball rolls further?
Students in Year 1 investigated how two different sized balls made from the same materials rolled and observed which one rolls further....
¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? / What is your favourite animal?
Students in Prep started learning about animals and their basic needs. To begin our unit, we read and discussed the story about Jane...
¿Cómo está? / How is it?
[Eng] The preps had so much fun learning more about the weather! This time, they explored the air around them and how it felt. While...
¿Flota o se hunde? / Does it float or sink?
[Eng] Students reinforced their ideas on the forces in water while predicting and observing if the different school objects floated or...
Fuerzas en el agua / Forces in the water
[Eng] Students in Year 2 had lots of fun observing how the force of water can push up on objects. They did some hands on activities to...