Year 4 - El calor - Term 2
Students learn about heat and its characteristics. They did different investigations to explore how heat is transferred and produced....
Year 4 - Las carácteristicas de los materiales - Term 1
Students learnt about the characteristics of materials. They were introduced to vocabulary to describe objects in Spanish (adjectives)...
Earth's movements
Students learnt about the different movements of the Earth and what they cause. They are now finishing this unit by making models of the...
El Sol, La Tierra y La Luna
Students have been exploring a bit further about the main characteristics of the Sun, The Earth and the Moon and how the causes of day...
El día y la noche
We are learning about how the Sun, The Earth and the Moon interact with each other and cause day and night. Today students shared their...
‘Mi rosa, tu rosa’
Year 4 students have been working in pairs on ‘Mi rosa, tu rosa’. It is a short performance aimed at convincing the audience why la rosa...
Nuestra solución de tierra / Our soil solution
Students in Year 4 are exploring the soil and what is in it. They prepared some soil solutions to explore in more detail what is in the...
¡Vamos a la playa!
Year 4 students are bringing the summer to Westgarth by going to the beach! They brought their tableaux (freeze frames) de la playa to...
Observando nuestro suelo / Observing our soil
Students in Year 4 observed different types of soil at school and wrote down the properties they could see in each of them. While doing...
El ecosistema / The ecosystem
Students in Year 4 started learning about ecosystems. They went to the playground and found an area tha could be an ecosystem. They drew...