Los sombreros
Drawing sombreros out of a bag grade 5&6 students use their creativity to depict the characters that would be wearing los sombreros. It...
In Artes Dramáticas grades 5&6 we are playing ¡Tortilla! It is a game that requires concentration, speed and knowledge de los...
Es un ser vivo o un ser no vivo / Is it a living or a non living thing
Students in Year 3 observed things found in the playground and drew them. Then, found the word in Spanish and finally predicted if these...
"Si me voy"
Grade 5 & 6 students are working on 'Si me voy', a song using a routine with vasos y palmadas. Here are some videos if you would like to...
¿Puedes encender la bombilla? / Can you light the light bulb?
Students in Year 5 worked in groups to find a way to encender la bombilla (light the light bulb) using el cable (the wire), la bombilla...
¿Qué pelota rueda más lejos? / Which ball rolls further?
Students in Year 1 investigated how two different sized balls made from the same materials rolled and observed which one rolls further....
¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? / What is your favourite animal?
Students in Prep started learning about animals and their basic needs. To begin our unit, we read and discussed the story about Jane...
¿Cómo está? / How is it?
[Eng] The preps had so much fun learning more about the weather! This time, they explored the air around them and how it felt. While...
¿Flota o se hunde? / Does it float or sink?
[Eng] Students reinforced their ideas on the forces in water while predicting and observing if the different school objects floated or...
Fuerzas en el agua / Forces in the water
[Eng] Students in Year 2 had lots of fun observing how the force of water can push up on objects. They did some hands on activities to...