Nuestra solución de tierra / Our soil solution
Students in Year 4 are exploring the soil and what is in it. They prepared some soil solutions to explore in more detail what is in the...
Observando nuestro suelo / Observing our soil
Students in Year 4 observed different types of soil at school and wrote down the properties they could see in each of them. While doing...
El ecosistema / The ecosystem
Students in Year 4 started learning about ecosystems. They went to the playground and found an area tha could be an ecosystem. They drew...
¿Qué ocurre al calentarlo? / What happens when you heat it up?
[Eng] Students in Years 3 and 4 have been learning about matter. In this session, they investigated what can happen when some objects are...
Las propiedades / Properties
Students in Years 3 and 4 started their new unit of work on chemical sciences. This lesson, they were introduced to the concept of...
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español y Ciencias 2017! / Welcome to the Spanish and Science class 2017!
What a great start of the year we had in the Spanish/Science class! In Prep, Y1 and Y2 we found out more about the different types of...
¡Cumpleaños feliz!
Year 4 students have been exploring el entorno (our surroundings) and how it affects our acting choices. They sang ¡Cumpleaños feliz!...
Las frutas / The fruits
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have been learning about the development of plants. This week, they observed some fruits and analysed the...
Miramos las flores por dentro / We look at the inside of the flowers
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have started their new project on biological sciences. Students started by learning the different parts of plant...
Aprendemos a cuidar el suelo / We learn how to take care of the soil
[Eng] Students in Year 4 have been exploring the soil and the importance of it for all living things. Students worked on the different...