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Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

Primeros Tableaux

[Eng] This Term students in Grades 3 and 4 are introduced to the world of Performing Arts in the Spanish language.They have been exploring movement and stillness. Students were engaged in a drama game of ‘Mirror’ using their bodies to mirror their partners and appreciating the importance of observation and cooperation in Performing Arts. They were then introduced to the theatrical convention of Tableau, frozen image, and created exceptional Tableaux of games they play at school. Can you guess which games they are from these pictures?

[Sp] Este term los estudiantes de Grados 3 y 4 han sido introducidos a las Artes Dramáticas en Español. Han explorado el movimiento y la quietud. Los estudiantes han jugado a ‘El espejo’ usando sus cuerpos para copiar un compaṅero y comprender que en las Artes Dramáticas es importante observar y cooperar. Han sido introducidos al término teatral de Tableau, una imagen congelada, y han creado Tableaux exceptionales de juegos que juegan en la escuela. ¿Podéis adivinar cuáles son?

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