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Spanish Blog

Spanish Blog

El reto de sólidos y líquidos / liquids and solids challenge

[Eng] Students in grades 1 and 2 undertook our first liquids and solids Challenge. This was an excellent opportunity for them to learn about states of matter. In our class we learned how matter has different forms and how matter can change depending on different conditions.In the liquid and solid challenge students moved through different stations where they had to separate items that were liquids/solids and liquids/liquids and items such as sand and water using different elements on the tables.

[Sp] Los estudiantes de grados 1 y 2 realizaron el primer reto de líquidos and solidos. En nuestra clase aprendimos como la materia tiene diferentes formas y como puede cambiar de estado o mezclarse con diferentes formas de materia. Con el reto de líquidos y sólidos los chicos se movieron en diferentes estaciones donde tenían el reto de separar los elementos puestos en la mesa.

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