Hicemos un Kazoo y aprendimos el abecedario en español / We made a kazoo and we learnt the Spanish a
Students in Prep made a kazoo to explore the vibrations that help sound be produced. While playing with it, students also learnt the...
¿Cómo se produce el sonido? / How is sound produced?
Prep students have been exploring sounds. This week they explored how sounds are produced and they observed how when vibrations are made...
¿Cómo cambia el chocolate? / How does chocolate change?
Students in Year 1 are exploring how heat can change foods. They explored how chocolate looks like before and after melting... and after...
¿Qué hay en nuestro jardín? / What is there in our garden?
Students in Year 2 are observing changes in the landscape. They made their own mini gardens and wrote in Spanish what there is in them....
La luna, el Sol y la Tierra / The Moon, the Sun and the Earth
Students in Year 3 explored why the Sun is seen similar in size than the Moon from the Earth. They had lots of fun while discovering that...
¿Fluye lento o rápido? / Does it flow slowly or fast?
Students in Year 5 explored the viscosity of liquids and observed how fast they flow. They reviewed the numbers in Spanish while doing...
Nuestra solución de tierra / Our soil solution
Students in Year 4 are exploring the soil and what is in it. They prepared some soil solutions to explore in more detail what is in the...
¿Cómo podemos hacer sonidos? / How can we make sounds?
Students in Prep explored with musical instruments different ways to produce sound. While doing this, they learnt some actions they can...
Qué haces en el día y en la noche / What do you do in the day and at night
Students in Year 3 learnt how to talk about their routines in Spanish. They sorted out the different activities they do in the day and at...
Sonidos fuertes y suaves / Soft and loud sounds
Students in Prep are learning about the senses. This time the explore the sense of hearing. They played with different school objects and...