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Canciones y Vídeos


El monstruo de los colores


Listen to this read out loud story of the colours monster and find out what how to say what you're feeling in Spanish!


The preps are singing...


Un elefante se balanceaba

sobre la tela de una araña

y como veía que no se caía

fue a llamar otro elefante


Dos elefantes se balanceaban

sobre la tela de una araña

y como veían que no se caían

fueron a llamar otro elefante



(One) elephant was swinging

on top of a spider web

and because he saw he wasn't falling

he went to call another elephant


El punto / The Dot


Preps have been reading this fantastic book by Peter H. Reynolds, The Dot. The girl in the book is convinced that she can not draw. Her teacher dares her to make a mark. Vashti makes one little dot on her sheet of paper... which turns out to be the beginning of her creative journey!


Peter H. Reynolds entices even the stubbornly uncreative among us to make a mark — and follow where it takes us. Watch this video with your preps at home and encourage them to listen for some words in Spanish they can recognise. You might be surprised! 


La Luna


Preps have been watching this beautiful short movie by Pixar, La Luna, and learning a few new words:


- La luna (the moon)

- Las estrellas (the stars)

- Las escaleras (the ladder)

- El niño (the boy)

- El barco (the boat)

- El mar (the sea)


After watching it we did some beautiful art inspired in the film.


Hazme un muñeco de nieve de Frozen


Grades prep to 2 have watched this short videoclip of Frozen to get some inspiration for our snowflakes. They got really good at listening to the lyrics for the words "muñeco de nieve", snow man. Can you hear any other words you know?



Don't miss any of the steps!

Over the past few weeks Grades 3 and 4 have been working on the animals for our classroom dictionary. These are the steps you need to follow if you want to make a beautiful animal like ours! Can you use the body language to guess what that means?

¡Uno! Dibujar con el lápiz el animal. 

¡Dos! Pintar con acuarelas el animal.

¡Tres! Cortar con las tijeras el animal.

¡Cuatro! Hacer el fondo con papel.

¡Cinco! Pegar con la cola el animal.

¡Seis! Escribir el nombre del animal.


One! Draw with the pencil the animal.

Two! Paint with watercolours the animal.

Three! Cut with scissors the animal.

Four! Make the background with paper.

Five! Stick with glue the animal.

Six! Write the name of the animal.


To start off, a classic from South America...

Grades 3 to 6 have been learning La Bamba -with slightly modified lyrics (see below) - to learn the colours in Spanish. It's been great fun!

Para pintar el mundo

Para pintar el mundo

se necessitan colores primarios

¡Ay! colores primarios

y otra cosita

pintura y pinceles

Red is rojo (Amarillo!)

Blue azul (Amarillo!)

¡ah, ah, ah, ah...!


Para pintar el mundo

Para pintar el mundo

se necessitan colores secundarios

¡Ay! colores secundarios

y otra cosita

pintura y pinceles

Green is verde (Naranja!)

Morado purple (Naranja!)

¡ah, ah, ah, ah...!

Maestra puedo ir al baño, por favor?

Grade 3s and 4s have been singing this song to learn how to ask to go to the toilet. Not a classic like la bamba but a critical piece of information in the Spanish lessons!

Maestro, puedo ir al baño, por favor

Yo necessito ir al baño, por favor

Es una emergencia

Y ya hice mi tarea


Maestro, puedo ir al baño, por favor

Yo necessito ir al baño, por favor

Le traeré una manzana

Y lavaré su pizarra


Maestro, puedo ir al baño, por favor

Yo necessito ir al baño, por favor

¿Por qué Carlos fue al baño?

¡Él estaba hablando!




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Copyright 2016 Marta Muñoz Liesa

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